As you probably already know, Trish and I opened an event facility, banquet hall, a large beautiful place to rent for your wedding, reception, party, corporate meeting, etc...called The Magnolia Room, and i am loving it! I love helping make people happy and knowing that we've done everything we can to assist in making a few dreams come true. It's almost as satisfying as performing, but the commute is about 4-6 hours least.
I'm learning alot of new things, too, things that I could've never learned in how to get the city to grant your building or liquor license faster, for example. Needless to say, it (it being Trish) has really helped me hone my people skills. It's also made me, Michelle Malone, a more patient and considerate person. And those of you who have known me a few decades are "amazed" with my transformation. Whatev!
This new venture has taken some of the stresses of touring and being a full time musician off me...and it has also added entirely new stresses! I know what it feels like to be at the center of the event hurricane, having been an entertainer (ie, center of the universe) in the music biz for over 25 years. NOW I know what it's like to perform all the behind the scenes tasks and gracefully get the event off without a hitch, to the best of my ability. It aint always easy, but the show must go on! Since we opened in October 2010, the beer cooler, refrigerator, heater, plumbing and electricity have all needed repairing! ARG!! Of course these things only break when we are in the midst of a big event like a wedding party of 250...seriously?!!
Unfortunately, the building was not for sale, so we have a "land lord"...btw, i think they should rename them something a bit more appropriate instead of "lord"... i could think of a few, but i won't print them here. I actually really like our land man, but that doesnt change the fact that the building needs more love than he's willing to give it...and I suppose that's his save a buck. No matter. Trish and I will make it work, as we always do, because we are consummate professionals, entertainers, actresses, if you will, and we will fake it til we make, and you will never see us sweat...because the heater is broken? NO! Because we wear Secret anti-persperant? NO! Because we are grateful, we care and we want to make sure that YOU have the BEST experience possible! The times, they are a changing...and I couldnt be happier! I should've tried another business sooner...or at least gotten a part time job....
which reminds me very little of the time I worked for a big Buckhead law firm...for 3 weeks...that first time I got kicked out of college...
I can't imagine you needing to hone your people skills! You are always so gracious and patient with the people that swarm you after you perform!
By the way, The Room turned out beautifully! It's great to see places like that popping up in downtown Decatur.
Michelle, thank you for being the you that you are! I dont know if y ou will ever know how much happiness, love, and laughter that you bring to the world whether performing, blogging, or FB'ing. I just know that the sky has one less star in it because you are on this earth!
Mr. Wonderful? Bah. You are Ms. Wunderbar! XXOORR/jc.
AS usual, a very personable insight into your world. Thanks for all the video links etc. See ya' in Charlotte!
Robert and Sue Williams
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